Death of a brother-in-law
My ex-wife’s brother Hisao Nagashima, nicknamed Chabo-chan, died on January 25, 2009. He had emphysema.
My ex-wife notes:
I had been going up to regularly for two years to take care of come. After he left the hospital and moved in with Emiko [his sister}, I went up every week on Saturday to spend the night and take care of him. Emiko is a little bit out of it sometimes. This was the first time I had approached someone dying so closely. Mom and Dad died so suddenly it never really sunk in. I did go the hospital the day before he died and spoke with him. In Japan they keep going with the 49th day and one-year services. This all really made me think. I felt the way someone brings their life to a close matches the life they lived. The relationship you had with someone is mirrored at the end as well.