Genjo Koan reloaded (II)
As mentioned in an earlier post , I’ve completely redone my translation of Dōgen’s Genjō Kōan, entitled “Unfolding Puzzle”. I have now put up the entire translation on-line (PDF).
Of course, the book is still available as an attractive, printed 32-page booklet from Lulu .
Another excerpt:
Sometimes, God shows us a world replete with wisdom and foolishness, daily practice, life and death, saints and sinners. Other times, the clarity and the confusion and the living and the dying and the saints and the sinners and everything else all vanish into namelessness. The true way naturally transcends such opposites. It joins life with death, wisdom with foolishness, the ordinary with the divine. Be that as it may—the blossoms you adore will wither and fall; the weeds you abhor will flourish and sprawl.
February 28th, 2008 at 16:21
Thank you for this interesting new translation of the Genjo Koan. Bold choice to use the rather loaded word “God” right there on the first page!