New Open Directory category for Neurotheology
I am pleased to announce that the Open Directory Project has added a new category for Neurotheology, which after due deliberation was set up as a subcategory of Psychology and Religion under the Psychology tree.
Like many specialized categories, Neurotheology ends up being less an index of web sites (since there are few, if any, websites dedicated to the topic), and more an index of web pages (“deeplinks”). And it is a relatively limited resource for the topic, because much of the information in the field is still in printed form.
(The same holds for the other category which I’m editing, about the medieval Japanese religious leader and philosopher Dogen.)
The project says about itself:
The Open Directory follows in the footsteps of some of the most important editor/contributor projects of the 20th century, [such] as the Oxford English Dictionary. Its data is made available for free to anyone. It’s the most widely distributed data base of Web content classified by humans. Its editorial standards body of net-citizens provide the collective brain behind resource discovery on the Web. The Open Directory powers the core directory services for the Web’s largest and most popular search engines and portals, including Google.
Normal users who submit URLs play an important role in the directory building process. Those URLs are then reviewed by editors like me for inclusion. The “Submit URL” link is on each page of the directory. Send in your suggestions now!